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CVI团队在过去二十多年的时间内持续跟踪研究《国际评估准则》的发展,团队主要成员曾长期代表中国评估行业参与国际评估事务,并担任IVSC Standard Board委员参与IVS的起草与修订。文中相关分析和观点反映CVI研究团队在长期研究基础上形成的观点,不代表任何官方解释。







本版IVS延续了前一版的作法,不再将准则发布的年份冠名。在2019年更新IVS之前,IVS版本均在名称中标发布年份,如International Valuation Standards 2017。自2019年起为避免误导,不再标注IVS的发布年份,而是改为注明其生效日期。

为配合新版IVS发布及方便各国评估师理解本次修订、发布等环节中的重要事项,IVSC起草了2022年1月生效之国际评估准则常见问题(INTERNATIONAL VALUATION STANDARDS Covering FAQs for the latestversion of IVS - effective January 2022),可参阅:The IVS have been updated! (ivsc.org)。



•更新后的IVS增加一个新的准则--IVS230存货“IVS 230 Inventory”,并将其纳入无形资产准则的部分。



第二,将存货准则放在企业价值准则(IVS 200 Businesses and Business Interests)下,从逻辑的角度不得不说是一种尴尬,但这也是IVSC无奈的选择,因为没有其他更合适的位置可以放置。根据IVS现行的框架,在Assets Standards层级划分了企业价值准则、机器设备准则、不动产准则、金融工具准则等四个资产准则框架,在准则体系中并未给存货准则预留相应的合适位置。毕竟将存货评估准则置于企业价值准则框架下,要比置于机器设备准则、不动产准则、金融工具准则等框架下显得更为合理。这一尴尬的选择也再次彰显了包括IVS、USPAP及各国准则在内的所有评估准则可能面临的矛盾:事先设计好的、固定化(意味着相当长的时间里不得不维持)的准则体系与事后需要根据行业发展需求不断增加的具体准则之间的逻辑性矛盾。


• 技术性更新:根据2021年和2021年的IVSC技术更新咨询工作所进行的更新。

• 前言:前言部分进行重新编写,将评估准则制定的核心原则(the core principles ofvaluation standard Setting)和核心评估原则(the core principlesof valuation)纳入。此种变化表明了IVSC为协调评估准则所持续做出的努力。





• 术语表:IVS的术语表进行了较大更新,包括新增加的术语及额外的诠释。此种变化亦表明IVSC为协调评估术语和定义所持续付出的努力。



• IVS框架:准则遵守、资产与负债、评估师和专业胜任能力等部分略做修改以提供更好的诠释。

• IVS104:在准则中增加了“价值的分配”(allocation of value)。

• IVS105:介绍部分予以了修订,就采用一种或多种评估途径形成某价值类型下的价值结论进行诠释。

• IVS200:介绍部分增加关于构成企业和企业权益(a business and a business interest)的内容的进一步诠释。


• IVS400:介绍部分予以更新,以解释本章节包括农业和土地的评估并将未注册和公共土地(unregistered and communal land)纳入。

未注册和公共土地对IVS而言是相对较新的概念,主要反映了IVSC在“政治正确”和扩大影响方面的近期努力。以下内容摘自IVSC发布的新闻稿----United Nations presses theimportance of IVS in new guidance on valuation of unregistered land,有利于对此概念的理解。

In many developing countries, only 30 per cent of land rights areregistered (UN-Habitat/ GLTN and IIRR 2012) and the rest are unregistered landsthat may be held by poor people. Yet there is a dire need for governments andindividuals to be able to value these lands. Valuation is necessary to improvecontrol over land and property in a way that builds equitable access tofinancial services and mobilizes resources for economic growth and povertyreduction. Valuation tools are critical to upgrade informal settlements,support the resettlement of displaced people and for investment and developmentprojects. It is vital for improving transparency in non-transparent landmarkets, which disadvantage the poor. Without a clear approach for valuingtheir land, poor occupants may lose out on getting the right value for theirland and weaken the local community economy and this could entrench povertyeven further in their lives.






IVS Framework

General Standards:

IVS 101 Scope of Work

IVS 102 Investigations and Compliance

IVS 103 Reporting

IVS 104 Bases of Value

IVS 105 Valuation Approaches and Methods

Asset Standards

IVS 200 Businesses and BusinessInterests

IVS 210 Intangible Assets

IVS 220 Non-Financial Liabilities

IVS 230 Inventory

IVS 300 Plant and Equipment

IVS 400 Real Property Interests

IVS 410 Development Property

IVS 500 Financial Instrument





TheIVS have been updated!


The latest edition of the International Valuation Standards (IVS) marks an important milestone towards harmonising valuation practice worldwide.


IVS serveas the key guide for valuation professionals globally and will underpin consistency, transparency and confidence in valuations which are key to investment decisions, financial reporting and financial market stability.


The Standards were drafted by the IVSC's independent technical boards and published following an extensive consultation process involving Valuation Profession Organisations, regulatory authorities, other standard setting organisations, valuation service providers, individual professionals, valuation end users and academics.


IVSC member and sponsor organisations are provided with digital copies of IVS. Non-members/sponsors can access IVS through the IVS Online portal.


The latest version of the Standards brings greater depth and clarity to the IVS, as recommended by member organisation, including the major valuation and accounting firms and Valuation Professional Organisations.


Here area few things you need to know about the latest version of IVS:


Effective date: The latest IVS becomes effective from 31st January 2022. However, theIVSC encourages early adoption from the date of publication. Valuers will needto make clear which edition of the IVS they are using when preparing av aluation report.


New chapter: The updated IVS includes a new chapter, 'IVS 230 Inventory' as part ofthe intangible asset standards.


Technical revisions: Updates also include the technical revisions consulted on throughout 2020 and 2021.


Introduction: the introduction has been revised to incorporate the core principles of valuation standard setting and the core principles of valuation. This change also reflects the IVSC's ongoing efforts to align valuation standards.


Glossary: The IVS glossary has been updated to include new terms and to provide additional clarifications. This change also reflects the IVSC's ongoing effortsto align valuation terminology and definitions.


IVS Framework: the sections on ‘compliance with standards’, ‘assets andliabilities’, ‘valuer’ and competence have been slightly revised to provide additional clarifications.


IVS 104: a new section on “allocation of value” has been included within this chapter.


IVS 105: the introduction has been revised to provide additional clarification that one or more valuation approach may be used to arrive at the value reported within a basis of value.


IVS 200 :the introduction has been revised to provide further clarification on what constitutes a business and a business interest.


IVS 400:the introduction has been revised to provide additional clarification that this chapter includes the valuation of agriculture and land and to incorporate the valuation of unregistered and communal land.


A 'red-line' version of the updated IVS is also available for download, providing clarity on changes from IVS (effective 31 January 2020).


Why have these changes been made? The Standards Review Board expects to publish a 'Basis of Conclusions' document, explaining the rationale for all updates to IVS, within the coming weeks. This will be available through the IVS Online portal and on the Members’ section of the IVSC website.  A digital copy will be sent out to all Memberand Sponsor organisations.


Translations: IVS is published by the IVSC in English. Translations of IVS are carried out by organisations including Valuation Professional Organisations and regulatory authorities. The IVSC will be working with these entities to support updates to existing translations, which are available through the IVSC Members’ Portal.


What do the International Valuation Standards cover?

IVS comprises five 'General Standards' and eight 'Asset-specific Standards'. The General Standards set requirements for the conduct of all valuation assignments including establishing the terms of a valuation engagement, bases of value, valuation approaches and methods, and reporting.


The Asset Standards include requirements related to specific types of asset valuation, including background information on the characteristics of each asset type that influence value and additional asset-specific requirements regarding common valuation approaches and methods used. The assets standards cover:


Businessesand Business Interests (IVS 200)

IntangibleAssets (IVS 210)

Non-FinancialInstruments (IVS 220)


Plant andEquipment (IVS 300)

RealProperty Interests (IVS 400)

DevelopmentProperty (IVS 410)

FinancialInstruments (IVS 500)

The latest version of the Standards bring greater depth to the IVS, as recommended by member organisation, including the major accountancy firms and Valuation Professional Organisations.




(China Valuer International, CVI)FRICSASAFCPV20




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