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其实,国际上老牌的评估协会早就对大型突发灾害之后的评估问题进行了研究和准备。2008年金融危机之后,美国评估师协会等就曾紧急发布关于市场剧变时期折现率调整的专业指导文件。而历史悠久的美国评估学会(AI)在应对突发灾害对评估工作影响领域应当说最有先见之明,准备得最为充分。早在2010AI就发布了《指南10-灾害之后形成市场价值意见》(以下简称指南10GUIDENOTE 10--Developing an Opinion of Market Value in the Aftermath of a Disaster)。指南10是国际评估领域相关领域中较为少见的专业文件,体现了一个专业行业协会应有的担当和智慧。指南10讨论的原则、内容虽然主要针对涉及不动产的市场价值评估业务,但对于其他评估领域以及非市场价值的评估业务也具有较好的理论和实务指导意义,其中相关观点不乏精彩之处,在当前疫情影响严重的背景下,研读该指南具有特别的意义。



美国在过去20年经历了多次恐怖袭击、大规模超常自然灾害以及大规模人为灾害,都在一定程度上对评估行业提出了重大挑战。总体而言,这些灾害分为自然灾害和人为灾害,包括飓风、洪水、龙卷风、地震、海啸、火灾、冬季雪暴等自然灾害,以及恐怖袭击、暴乱、金融恐慌等人为灾害。美国评估学会(AI)主要关注不动产评估,由于不地产市场受灾害影响严重,往往在灾害之后不动产市场会出现不稳定甚至混乱的状况。在这种市场上评估师对市场数据进行分析是极其困难的,因此,无论从评估师的角度还是从客户(评估服务使用者的角度),都对此领域的评估提出许多问题,希望能够得到有效的指导。作为对此种需求的适时回应,美国评估学会(AI)于2010115日发布了《指南10-灾害之后形成市场价值意见》(GUIDENOTE 10--Developing an Opinion of Market Value in the Aftermath of a Disaster),并于2018年进行了细微修改。正如指南10所指出,AI希望通过此专业文件的发布,对准则的相关要求如何在特别情况下应用提出针对性指引。


二、市场价值的特征(Characteristics of “MarketValue”

AI在指南10中首先列举了美国评估准则(USPAP)、不动产评估词典(TheAppraisal Institute’s The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 6th Edition、联邦金融监管当局、国际评估准则等较权威的专业文件、部门所给出的市场价值定义,要求评估师熟知。


MARKETVALUE: a type of value, stated as an opinion, that presumes the transfer ofa property (i.e., a right of owner- ship or a bundle of such rights), as of acertain date, under specific conditions set forth in the definition of the termidentified by the appraiser as applicable in an appraisal.

Comment:Forming an opinion of market value is the purpose of many real propertyappraisal assignments, particularly when the client’s intended use includesmore than one intended user. The conditions included in market valuedefinitions establish market perspectives for development of the opinion. Theseconditions may vary from definition to definition but generally fall into threecategories:

1. therelationship, knowledge, and motivation of the parties (i.e., seller and buyer);

2. theterms of sale (e.g., cash, cash equivalent, or other terms); and

3. theconditions of sale (e.g., exposure in a competitive market for a reasonabletime prior to sale).


Themost widely accepted components of market value are incorporated in thefollowing definition: The most probable price, as of a specified date, in cash,or in terms equivalent to cash, or in other precisely revealed terms, for whichthe specified property rights should sell after reasonable exposure in acompetitive market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, with thebuyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and for self-interest,and assuming that neither is under undue duress.


 The most probable price that a property shouldbring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fairsale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, andassuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in thisdefinition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passingof title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby:

• Buyerand seller are typically motivated;

• Bothparties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they considertheir best interests;

• Areasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;

•Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financialarrangements comparable thereto; and

• Theprice represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected byspecial or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associatedwith the sale.

(12C.F.R. Part 34.42(g); 55 Federal Register 34696, August 24, 1990, as amended at57 Federal Register 12202, April 9, 1992; 59 Federal Register 29499, June 7,1994)


...theestimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on thevaluation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-lengthtransaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably,prudently, and without compulsion.


1、市场价值是当事方具有典型动机、知晓充分信息并以自身利益最大化为目标的结果;(Marketvalue results when the parties are typically motivated, are generally wellinformed, and are acting in their best interest; 

2、市场价值是相关资产在市场上以适当的期间进行展示的结果;(Market value results when the property is exposed on the market for areasonable length of time;

3、支付的对价是现金或其等价物(Payment is in cash or its equivalent.


三、评估基本原则的应用(Applicability of BasicValuation Principles



Ineconomic theory, the principle that states that the price of a commodity, good,or service varies directly, but not necessarily proportionately, with demand,and inversely, but not necessarily proportionately, with supply. In a realestate appraisal context, the principle of supply and demand states that theprice of real property varies directly, but not necessarily proportionately,with demand and inversely, but not necessarily proportionately, with supply.


Theperception that value is created by the expectation of benefits to be derivedin the future.


Theresult of the cause and effect relationship among the forces that influencereal property value.


Theprinciple that real property value is created and sustained when contrasting,opposing, or interacting elements are in a state of equilibrium.


Theappraisal principle that states that when several similar or commensuratecommodities, goods, or services are available, the one with the lowest pricewill attract the greatest demand and widest distribution. This is the primaryprinciple upon which the cost and sales comparison approaches are based.


Theconcept that the value of a particular component is measured in terms of itscontribution to the value of the whole property, or as the amount that itsabsence would detract from the value of the whole.


Theprinciple that economies outside a property have a positive effect on its valuewhile diseconomies outside a property have a negative effect upon its value.

四、评估考虑事项(Valuation Considerations










五、价值的可持续性(Sustainability of value

指南10指出,在灾害之后的评估业务中,很多客户在提出价值问题的同时,也会涉及这样一个问题:这个价值能够在多长时间内有效?即How durable is that value? 这个问题在某种程度上有点类似于我国评估行业经常遇到的评估结论有效期的问题,应当强调的是国外评估行业在其他准则文件中几乎没有涉及到这一问题。指南10则从独特的角度讨论了这一问题,虽然着笔不多,但也十分珍贵,纠结于此问题的中国评估行业可以从中一窥国外评估行业对此类问题的主流观点。

指南10在列举一系列客户客户提出的有关价值可持续性的问题之后,以简单但明确的文字指出:其实这个问题已经与价值问题无关,对该问题的回答也已经超出了评估服务的范围。指南10在做出上述定性说明后,转而建议“评估师与客户进行充分沟通,说明价值意见的相对可靠性(relativereliability of the value opinion)”。评估师应当在评估报告中指出评估所依赖的数据在数量或质量上所存在的局限性,并表明这将对结论的可靠性带来影响。指南10建议在客户能够接受的情况下,在灾害过后的评估业务中将价值意见以区间方式表示可能更为合适。

六、专业胜任能力事项(Competency Issues





七、总结(Summary of Standard Practices


1. 在灾害过后的评估中,需要比灾害之前的通常评估具有更多或不同的专业能力。(Developingan opinion of value in the aftermath of a disaster might require competencythat surpasses or is different from that required prior to the disaster.

2.在混乱或不稳定市场中,需要对市场价值定义所涉及的特征予以谨慎辨识。(The characteristics of the applicable definition of market value must becarefully examined when appraising in a chaotic or unstable market.

3.灾害之后的评估业务中,需要特别关注供求原则、预期原则、变化原则、替换原则、贡献原则、外部因素原则和平衡原则等评估基本原则。(Valuation in the aftermath of a disaster requires special attention to thefundamental appraisal principles of supply and de­mand, anticipation, change,substitution, contribution, externalities, and balance.

4. 灾害之前进行的交易无法反映之后的市场状况,可比数据应当选自相同市场区域,反映与标的资产相同的市场状况。(Transactionsthat occurred prior to the disaster will not reflect the same market conditionsas those occurring after. Ideally, comparable data must be selected from thesame market area and must be subject to the same market conditions as the subjectproperty.

5. 在评估基准日在灾害时点之前的追溯评估业务中,评估师必须依赖评估基准日之前所发生的可比交易数据。(In appraisal assignments for which the date of value is a retrospective date priorto the disaster, the appraiser must rely on comparable sales that occurredprior to that retrospective value date.

6. 在评估基准日在灾害时点之前的追溯评估业务中,评估师必须依赖能够获得的关于基准日标的资产性质的最佳信息。此类业务将会做出一个或多个特别假设,假定资产状况和其他特征的真实性。(In appraisal assignments for which the date of value is a retrospective date priorto the disaster, the appraiser must rely on the best available informationconcerning the nature of the subject property as of the date of value. Such anappraisal would be based on one or more extraordinary/special assumptions aboutthe property condition and other characteristics that are as presumed to betrue in the appraisal assignment.

7. 除非对相关事项拥有能够进行判断的相应专业能力,评估师不得承接超出评估师专业胜任能力的业务。(Unless the appraiser possesses the requisite competency to make judgments about thesematters, the appraiser must not take on assignments that require competencythat is beyond that of a real property appraiser.









