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312日美国评估促进会(AF)专门发出提示疫情注意事项的文件《新冠病毒与评估师:您 问题及回答--新冠病毒如何影响评估师》(Coronavirus and Appraisers: Your Questions Answered-How Does the Coronavirus Impact Appraisers?)。以下摘录部分内容分享,可供业内朋友了解国外同行们的状况和反映。



In response to the growing concerns about COVID-19, commonlyreferred to as coronavirus, The Appraisal Foundation is providing thisassistance to help Appraisers respond to the coronavirus's potential impact onthe profession.

Most important is to stay up to date on developments as they are occurringrapidly. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is providing daily, evenhourly updates. 

Can Class Room Courses Be Held Virtually?

The Appraiser Qualifications Board, the Association of Appraiser RegulatoryOfficials and the Appraisal Subcommittee will meet on Monday and make adetermination. Check back here for an update.

What is the status of The Appraisal Foundation’s Meetings?

The AQB Certified USPAP Instructor Course originally scheduledfor March 26 to 29 has been postponed to July 26 to 28. The Foundation will bedeferring your registration fee until the July meeting. Please check with yourairline directly as many are offering waivers for travelers with reservationsin March and April. If no waivers are offered, you will need to cancelyour reservation. The Foundation is working directly with the Embassy Suitesabout the future arrangements. Right now, you need to cancel your current hotelreservation. When all the details are finalized, the Foundation willimmediately notify course registrants about rebooking hotel and flightarrangements.

The Appraisal Standards Board Meeting on April 3 will now be avirtual meeting only and will be livestreamed. The April 3 date and 10:00 amET/9:00 am CT remain at the regularly scheduled time.

What Precautions Should Appraisers Take When Interacting with OurClients? 

First, talk with your clients about the coronavirus to learn if they haveany protocols they would like you to follow. 

Second, let your clients know you will have a conversation with theborrower/owner when scheduling the appointment to identify any risk ofinfection. This conversation should also provide the borrower/owner with theopportunity to ask you screening questions or to assure them you are notill. 

Third, the appointment scheduling call is a good time to let the borrower/ownerknow if you will be wearing gloves, not shaking hands, etc.
Screening should be limited to questions about the coronavirus and flu such as:1) Is anyone in your household currently sick with a fever and/or a cough? 2)Has anyone in your household been exposed to a person who has or is suspectedof having the coronavirus? 

Are there Unique Issues That the Coronavirus Presents to the Appraisal Profession?

Just as other real estate professionals, appraisers must be mindful of theirobligations under the Fair Housing Act, and be sure not to discriminateagainst any particular segment of the population. While the coronavirusoutbreak began in Wuhan, China, that does not provide a basis for treatingChinese persons or persons of Asian descent differently.

Is there anything else Appraisers should do?

 Yes. Do not panic, stay informed, and use your best judgment. Thesituation is rapidly changing, so focus on putting policies and procedures inplace to keep your clients informed.

