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     AF在新闻稿中将USPAP的再次延期归结于对职业道德准则(ETHICS RULE)的重大修订(见后附新闻稿原文)。


   CVI研究认为未来可能会出现更为复杂的变化。目前已提交众议院的《公平评估与不公平改革法案》(Fair Appraisal and Inequity Reform Act of 2022,简称公平法案,FAIR Act,参见CVI7月29日公众号:美国评估立法在三十年后酝酿重大变化----CVI研究),明确提出将1989年根据FIRREA法授予AF的评估准则制定权收归新成立的Federal Valuation Agency。这意味着如果公平法案顺利通过,则AF将可能不会再有机会发布新的USPAP。 


The Appraisal Foundation’s Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) announced today that the current edition of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) will be extended by another year. The 2020-2021 USPAP will now be effective until December 31, 2023. This extension is in addition to a previous one-year extension of USPAP issued by the Appraisal Standards Board in February 2021.

“After careful consideration, the Appraisal Standards Board has voted to extend the current edition of USPAP through December 31, 2023,” said ASB Chair Michelle Czekalski Bradley. “The ASB launched a comprehensive review of the ETHICS RULE in February and just released the resulting Third Exposure Draft in July. As USPAP matures, revisions such as this will take more time to conduct the requisite research to ensure changes continue to uphold the public trust. I am proud of the work we have done, in conjunction with the preeminent fair housing law firm Relman Colfax, to develop the proposed changes to the ETHICS RULE in the Third Exposure Draft, and the Board looks forward to receiving public comment on this proposed change.”

Future editions of USPAP will have beginning effective dates, but no end dates to give the ASB greater flexibility to thoroughly examine proposed changes and respond in a timely manner to a changing marketplace.
